"I find the great thing in this world is, not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving."--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

Granjeno Loop, one of my old training grounds. At this time in the morning, this is
not a place to give up
Geez buddy you get up way to early for my taste I would rather go and ride at 5 in the afternoon than 5 in the morning. Anyways hats off to you for getting back into to the cycling mode. It takes real dedication to get up that early every day. I should be hitting the trails next week lets see how taht goes
One more thing I have really fallen in love with my single speed, it is awesome for getting around town. Here is the site that got me to convert the old GT check it out - maybe you will catch the fever http://fixedgeargallery.com/ I've been looking at this site for over a year it has some awesome bike shots in it.
yeah I WOULD catch the fever, thats why I wouldn't try it haha! IF it were up to me I would have every type of bike!
Road Bike
Mountain Bike )hardtail-full suspention)
Time Trial
Singlespeedsters ;)
you know the list goes on!
Yeah, you'll have to get a house with another bedroom for that....
yeah that's for sure ;)
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