Wednesday, August 31, 2005

If the gas prices don't stop rising, this is what normal folk will be considering in the future... for us cyclists, we wish that it would already happen! ;)


Anonymous said...

I filled up yesterday for $2.37 and it cost me $55. Today I saw the gas prices at $2.98 which means tomorrow I will be breaking the glass and bringing the single speed into work. I knew I bulit that thing up for a reason. God bless pedals and two wheels.

Anonymous said...

I agree!! I think I will be riding to work tomorrow also, these gas prices are ridiculous, no way I'm driving. I only wish I lived further from work so that the ride would be worth while...blahh 2-3 mile ride if even that . .BLAHHHH!! I think I should get a hybrid of some kind...I might look into that..STEVE WHERE ARE THOSE PHOTOS??

IronGambit said...

I e-mailed you the photos last night! :)

Anonymous said...

they aren't in my box...

IronGambit said...

well I sent you 3 pics only I didn't have that many!
"If there's a WHEEL, then there's a way!"