Not only did I get a chance to ride on Sunday but I actually got my brother to use his bike too! :)

The last picture of the house, there is a man sitting on top. While the truck drove by, his job was to move power lines out of the way with a 4x4 while the truck was moving!
Hey atleast it's with a 4x4 and not your hands! :)
What's up Steve those sure are some good pics you got up. Well I got to ride both days this weeekend but only a combined total of about 50 miles. I rode out at the Island on Sunday and it was beatuiful. I got out there at about 7:30 and it was just me - georgeous man. However, going agianst the wind heading south on that strip is no joke one hell of a workout.
Oh and Jeff it is real easy to tell that the bike is a cervelo - It is written across your fork which is easy to see in the pic. Cool bike man where did you get it?
yeah the wind at the beach is super nasty! It's because it is all open fields with nothing to stop the wind!
Yeah I noticed the fork thing also funny :)
And thanks for the compliments on the pics, it encourages me to keep taking them haha
whenyou going out again. Maybe i will join you if i can. :)
Nice pic's
I have been riding at around 5 in the mornings during the week. On Sundays though I have been riding with my brother and father.
only last night did i figure out that you can click on the pictures to get a closer look.... I saw the cervelo on the fork and figured out how you could tell, and oh yeah, thanks, the bike is awesome- just right for my purposes.
too funny Jeff :)
you guys dont wanna ride with aron, he likes to grab guys butts... careful . .he likes michael bolton too...;P
haha... true he does like Michael Bolton
I ride at 5am as well. Riding betwen 15-35 miles depending on when i leave the house.
oh wow I didn't know... you should give me a call, I'll see if we can meet up. I don't know the schedule I usually am just hitching a ride with Sal and he has the routine for the day ;)
I wouldn't ride with Ed either he likes to do tandem riding on a single seated bike. Plus he likes the Notebook (yes that is right that totally gay movie)
- dude what's up with that?
I think it is odd of Ed to like the Notebook. But I have to admit I enjoyed the movie too! :)
I watched the notebook with a chick, who do you listen to Michael Bolton with? And atleast I use a seat dude, riding on a seatpost, not cool ese!!
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