The Duathlon was a lot of fun! I tried my hardest and I guess that's what counts the most right? :)
There were 3 goals that I had for this event:
- Beat my old time or atleast do it in 1:50 minutes
- Do the run section without stopping
- and to atleast podium and get top 3 in my category
I did the race in 1:43 minutes, I completed the run section without stopping and I barely made the podium with a 3rd place trophy haha.
Below are some pics from the race and people that I raced with:
Well done!, 3rd place, see you sat
Thanks! I am sore today though :)
any secret remedies Maigh?
Congrats brotha!!! HELL YEAH!!
Do not stop, ride slow and try to go long, easy pace.
always ride the day after the event for at least an hr, if you are sore do not stop just go easy
Have you talked to Sal, Patricio? :)
yeah I have to move around ALL day anyway with my job and all :)
Yes I did, he told me about his brother Diego, was 2nd and 6th overall; that kid is a natural he had only 3 weeks on a bike.
What happen to the race?, had a lot of guys from Mty asking about it.
Congrats Steve way to step it up bro.
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