Saturday, October 01, 2005

My First Century...

Was a big eye opener! :) but still a lot of fun as always! haha
It was Jeff's idea to "pop my cherry" well it happened and it still hurts! :)

Sorry that it's a bad pic!but for some reason I kept getting a reflection! but there it is haha :)

What a way to start the month off huh?


Anonymous said...

yeah, it was my idea and it's sad because i didn't even make it back to Burger King, only 70 something miles for me. good ride though steve and congrats.

IronGambit said...

Thanks :) now I am a TRUE wannabe! :)

Chris L said...

Nice work. This sort of thing can become addictive, but you already knew that, right?

IronGambit said...

haha yeah I was already thinking about doing another one this weekend! but being more prepared since I didn't even plan this one! I discovered that 2 small water bottles are NOT enough for 100 miles! :)

Anonymous said...

Well two water bottles is enough if you have rest stops along the way but if you don't then you need to take aither a backpack or just some cash to buy more water. Anyways, cool that you finally got your 100 in Steve, now you can call yourself a true cyclist. HAHAHAHA

IronGambit said...

yeah we stopped for water... but OF COURSE there wasn't any place to refill when you NEEDED the refill ;)

Anonymous said...

Good job brotha!! Centuries are fun, but addictive......

IronGambit said...

yeah YOU would know "king" of bikejournal haha :)