Saturday, September 29, 2007

D.C.s Nations Triathlon

I have a good amount of pics from my days spent in D.C.
Right now I am in West Virginia... Tomorrow I will be in Indy, then the day after that I will be in Boulder, Co.  I will post pics as fast as I can!  They just might be a few days behind!
Thanks for attempting to keep up :)

For some reason I like this picture below, it has the capital in the background, a single girl staring at the monument and a got some motion blur of some bugs flying around the light.

Below:  This is probably a personal favorite.  The Wall has very low light at night... so I tried my best to get a good night shot.  It has my co-worker in the background infront of the monument, looking at the wall reading the names of the fallen soldiers,  as the light barely grazes the cooble stone path.

It's been a really long time since I have been back to D.C.  It was a good experience and glad that I "toured" it at night.
If you want a better view of the pics just click to enlarge.
My Flickr account has gone over it's 200 photo free package.. so my older pics will not be viewable  :/

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Up in D.C.

While Jason Sager is kickin' it at Interbike in Vegas right now... I am in Washington D.C. for the Nations Triathlon.
Before I left from home though, I got to hang out with a few friends including the infamous "piojo" who is sporting some new shoes, that he wears while eating Snickers Marathon bars  ;)
Also a friend of mine Jazy Garcia, called me up while I was with a few other friends... Letty and her husband Oscar.
I don't know what the first pic was about.. but it was probably pretty funny!

This second one is a little more serious...

Jazy and I both met in this exact location literally one year ago.  It was just dumb luck that he was in town at the exact sametime that I was.  We both flew out that next day also.
A quick bio on Jazy Garcia...
not only is he a good friend of mine, but he is a professional cyclist that raced in the olympics for Guam.
That explains this gift that he got me!

I just got back from walking around D.C.
It is a BEAUTIFUL city at night!  I'll let my pictures do the talking later when I post them!

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

The End is Near!

The end of my vacation time that is :(
I have been off for several days now and it feels GREAT! 

I went to Orlando for a couple of days and I am here in Texas right now... on Tuesday I fly back to Philadelphia then head out to Whashington D.C. for the Nations Triathlon.
Here are some pics!

While in Orlando I did the Disney thing, and I also went to a Shakespearian play called "The Comedy of Errors."

That was all the pictures that I could take since it was no photography during the play... I admit though, it was pretty fun!

After all of the fun and excitment I worked really hard to get me some tail!

I was successful, so I came back to Texas a satisfied man.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

When In Philadelphia...

You run up the steps that Rocky ran right?

I wouldn't do that!  Or would I?...

The Philadelphia distance run started out with playing the Rocky song, that's not cliche' at all!

The expo wasn't as packed as we had expected, but the turn out for actual event was pretty much the opposite!

After the race was over we did some touristy stuff.

Is touristy even a word?

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Shark In a Cage

I thought that this will be a pretty crazy video
wanted to share it!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

In Philadelphia...

Is it wrong to eat at a chinese restaurant when you are the only customer?

Sometimes it makes me feel like a you know what!

but at least I didn't get sick!

Here are some pics of me getting to Philadelphia...

This view is 2 blocks away from my Hotel.  I recommend that you click on it to see a larger view!

After we finished setting up the expo I had to walk out of this, this is my view of Philadelphia... I made the barbwire, fence, stop sign, and the skyline all black to bring out the photo a little more.

I will be here for a couple of days... hopefully I will have more pictures to post.
I also am up for some time off again, I think it's been awhile ;)
The plans are to head out to Vegas for some interbike during my break... we will see how that works out, because I wouldn't mind sleeping those days away!

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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Chicago Half Marathon Recap

As always it was fun in Chicago, I like this city because it is CLEANER than other big cities!
Here are the pics of the weekend.
We went to a couple of fancy restaurants.

and some not so fancy locations...

Here is another view from the hotel lobby, but at night...

Not bad huh?
The next morning we showed up early in the morning BEFORE the racers to set up the expo section.

We were accompanied by some new friends at Adidas.

I have been pretty involved with the book that I bought from Team Hoyt... if you want to go through a roller coaster of emotions I definitely recommend this book!
Also Dean the Ultra Marathon Runner showed up in Chicago... it was cool to see him, not to mention the fact that he hooked me up with a copy of his book!  I can't wait to get to it after I am finished with Team Hoyt's Book "It's only a Mountain."

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Saturday, September 08, 2007

Chicago 'again'

I did the Chicago classics a little over a month ago and now I am back for the Chicago Half Marathon. I will be back for the other half in October! ;)
Jahowie right now needs some motivation to run in the Detroit Marathon. I told him that he should do it because I'll be there, so if you stop by his blog send him some words of encouragment.
Here is a pic from the main lobby from the hotel that I am staying at:

The expo hall "before" we raided it with people, marketing tools, and and cars... it's on the 7th floor and there are 2 cars up there. I love what humans are capable of!


Below: This is three of three tolls to get into Chicago...
First I don't mind paying a toll, espcially since the toll is like 15 cents. But they are all VERY close to each other, I thought that tolls were designed to make the traffic flow "faster," but when you have to find a lane to a booth, and then find your way out three times in a short span, well... to me that just seems to defeat the purpose.

Sorry Chicago lovers! It's still a great city though! ;)

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Fo Sail

Sometimes as I travel through these exotic lands of the United States I run into things.  Yesterday I was in Indianapolis and the day before I was in Virginia Beach... but every once and awhile we end up stopping and these really fancy gas stations.

Right now I am in a hotel in Chicago with a really great view!
I will post those pictures later...

Blogged with Flock

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Virginia Beach Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon

Here are the rest of the pictures from the event.

As always the Rock & Roll Marathons have a rock and roll concert at the end of their races. Here is what being a sponsor gets you access to!

VIP access... ok, I didn't pay for the sponsorship. But I get to reap the benefits!
INXS was the title band. I enjoyed the music and it was a fun show to watch!
Here was the best part of being at the Rock & Roll Marathon...

If you have forgotten who they are... let me refresh your memories...