Thursday, September 13, 2007

In Philadelphia...

Is it wrong to eat at a chinese restaurant when you are the only customer?

Sometimes it makes me feel like a you know what!

but at least I didn't get sick!

Here are some pics of me getting to Philadelphia...

This view is 2 blocks away from my Hotel.  I recommend that you click on it to see a larger view!

After we finished setting up the expo I had to walk out of this, this is my view of Philadelphia... I made the barbwire, fence, stop sign, and the skyline all black to bring out the photo a little more.

I will be here for a couple of days... hopefully I will have more pictures to post.
I also am up for some time off again, I think it's been awhile ;)
The plans are to head out to Vegas for some interbike during my break... we will see how that works out, because I wouldn't mind sleeping those days away!

Blogged with Flock


teacherwoman said...

I was in Philly a couple years ago. It kind of reminded me of Minneapolis. You gotta try the philly cheese steak sandwhiches while you're there. It's one of their trademarks. Just ask a local where to get a good one first, though! :)

Maigh said...

If you run into my ex-husband, feel free to kick him in the nuts for me.

IronGambit said...

teacherwomen: Will Do!

Maigh: Will Do!

Allez said...

Your traveling is making me tired.

IronGambit said...

How do you think I feel!?

331 Miles said...

Where can I get a hat like that?

IronGambit said...

I dunno, I was somewhere in INdy :)

jahowie said...

That is a great hat!! Glad you didn't get sick. Take a vacation will ya? You know...stay home...sit on your ass and watch some T.V. :-)