Ok... so much to blog soo little time!
Mostly pics with funny stories!
We can start with the Canadians... first off they don't like bacon, I asked them and that question only makes them upset. "Note to anyone out there"
But they sure do love the color red!

These pics are mostly for my fellow Texans who don't get to see anything change, especially the weather!

Here is a pic of a fountain show at the finish line the night before the race for the Detroit Marathon.

This guy said that I had earned my badge for legit street cred.

He also said that if you didn't agree with him, then you can discuss it with him after school.
The cool part about being in different cities is hanging out with other sponsor friends :)

AND the crazy new staff that you get to work with every weekend!

I NEVER thought that I would ever need to wear that beanie coming from SOUTH SOUTH SOOOOOOUTH Texas!

I left Detroit Sunday and after I finish up some loose ends, it's back to work again "crackin' the whip" on myself.
There is a nice trail behind my hotel... I will prob check that out tomorrow and do some site seeing also!
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