I walk out from my hotel lobby and take a right. I knew that it was a mile more or less. After MOSTLY walking up hill I see a police officer and ask him where this address is.
It's located 3 miles back, and that I had already walked 2 miles. "sigh" oh well, that's what I get right?
So I continue my 3 mile walk back after already walking 2 to the bank. I finally arrive, and walk up to the teller... I soon realize that I forgot the bank account number! so now I have to walk 1 mile BACK to my hotel to get it from my luggage! After that it was just a "lost" cause!
Hey, at least I got some cool pics while exploring the city!

The pics below are from the Race Expo the race and in between.

basically this is what happens when you put in 40 hours in 3 days!

Blogged with Flock
All that walking is good for you. Especially when you're wearing comfortable footwear. ;^)
Check out my latest post. I have a special photo for ya.
Was Abe Lincoln 7 feet tall or what?!?! :-)
I think it's the hat! ;)
Tell the truth IG.....are you really that busy or is this job just like one big party from city to city? :-)
You need a picture in that Washington mask :-)
We prob have the Washington mask somewhere! :0
Hm.. it's fun to visit different cities each weekend, but honestly... home is where the heart is ;)
You missed out on Voodoo! It was so much fun! The trip to Florida was challenging to say the least. Mostly because of the last night in New Orleans;)
Hope you had fun with all the Jar Heads!
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