Friday, June 27, 2008

Magellan Triton 400 Handheld GPS

The YouTube Video is on the 500, I purchased the 400. The only difference was the Altimeter and Barometer. The GPS already shows you elevation and the (true) likely hood that I would use it is kinda low. I bought this item for several reasons.

Reason number 1: Geocaching (its more convenient than you could ever imagine.
Reason number 2: Hiking, I love the fact that you can just run a muck, I mean (explore) and the GPS will basically leave bread crumbs for you to follow back to where you came from :)

I will be going to France in about three weeks now and I will be a Tour De France whore! YES!!! I am scared and excited at the same time! I am going with the one I love and finally FINALLY put some stamps in our passports that we have had for so long now!

Magellan Triton 500 Handheld GPS
YouTube - Magellan Triton 500 Handheld GPS


teacherwoman said...

OMG... you are going to France? and will get to take in the Tour? I am so jealous. Why didn't you think to ask any of us if we wanted to go?!?!

331 Miles said...

I have so been jonesing for a GPS unit for my bike, but too much $$$ right now.

You're killing me with your France trip. I would kill to be there, but again, $$$ right now!