Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Drive Home...

Chicago Pot Bellys
I found this pic on my camera.  I took this in Chicago a couple of months ago, but it reminds me of how silly I can be at times.
I am working my way home from Austin when I pull over and decide to gas up.  I see these old school Coke bottles and thought that it would be fun to purchase one.
I am driving my six hour drive back to Edinburg, and begin to get a little bit thirsty.  I then reach over for my Coke can and as hard as I try it does not unscrew!
This really was an original style Coke bottle and I could not remove the lid without the device that comes with it!
So I basically sat in the car, staring at the Coke bottle until I had to gas up again and just went ahead and bought a gatorade!  :)

1 comment:

331 Miles said...

If you buy Topo Chico, you need to open the bottle in the store. Same reason...