I am here in Denver, CO still. I was in town for the Denver Danskin.
These events are always good for first time triathlons because of the short distances.
I finished the great book, "Into the Wild." You have to have an open mind when reading this book. Some people see him, "Chris" as an adventurous individual attempting to live off of the land and give up everything that we as a society need. He came from an excellent background, and made his own personal choices to live off of the land. If you read about the book that basically covers the whole book. The rest of it is filled with facts mainly from the original publish in Outside Magazine that really made the book possible in the first place. Some people think that he was reckless and ignorant and died for being an idiot and too cocky.
I guess you have to read Into the Wild and make your own decision about how "life" is lived and perceived. In my personal opinion, I thought that this was a fantastic read!
Sounds like a decent book, I might have to check it out. Once I'm done with the Harry Potter collection :-)
Ooh, the Denver Danskin?!?! Nice! I am really hoping to do one of those next year...
I still have to read it / see it. I've heard it's GREAT from so many people...
read the book a few years ago, loved it. try "into thin air" same author.. i think u would love that book. funny you write about this as im watching the movie tonight when i get home..
Kathleen: Harry Potter? :)
TW: Danskin!!!!
Steve: Yeah, I think a lot of "athletes" or people who enjoy pushing their own physical limits enjoy the book!
Ed: I wanted to finish the book before I watched the movie!
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