Thursday, August 14, 2008

Life of Pi

Life of Pi - Yann Martel by Tobyotter.
I finished the book "Life of Pi" This was a recommended read from my brothers girlfriend.  I am REALLY glad that she recommended it!  I rarely pick up a book that I cannot put down to at least be distracted by something else.
I am not implying that I have not read any good books, but this one really had me hooked!  The author Yann Martel is amazing!  Almost every word he wrote , had me amazed, and left me with my eyes wide open staring into the book.
It has definitely been one of my best reads!

I am in Belleview, Whashington.  This is a rocks throw to Seattle, we are here for another Danskin Womens only Triathlon!


K said...

That is the best book I have ever read too. I loved the final two pages.

IronGambit said...

Kathleen: it's about a boy and his tiger :)

Karen: The last pages left me with mixed feelings!

jahowie said...

I would really like to read this book. I have read a little about Pi and how all life is connected somehow by it. I'll have to pick this one up.

Bike Drool said...

One of my favorites!