This weekend has been very busy. On Saturday I went to a friends birthday party and it was the funniest thing when the portable bouncing castle began to collapse on all the kids and the laughing stopped and turned into little kids running and screaming! "maybe a you have to be there thing" but funny none the less. Right afterwards I went to a friends softball game, in the last inning she played first base and all the outs were on first "good job!" :)
Saturday I was too tired to ride with Jeff, but knew that it was the day of the Vannie E. Cook commercial. So I rode around one of my routes and went to go help with the commercial. I think that it will turn out pretty well and when I get a hold of it I will post it on the site. I never truly knew how I felt about my bike though until the "Director" asked who's bike that was outside. I responded with a "oh sorry, I'll move it." He then replied no that's ok, I need a stunt bike.

Afterwards though, he decided that my bike was too dirty for the commercial! :) and my bike needed a stand in.