Friday, March 31, 2006

Early Ride...

I went riding with an old training partner "Sal." He asks if we should take Pecan or Business 83... as we look to the right hand side there is a train blocking Pecan, so there's our answer ;) Below is a picture of it although it is really hard to see :(
Here is a picture of Sal's new Time Trial bike... well it's not completely new but it's new to this blog! :)
Sal and I rode 20 miles this morning with an average speed of 18.3, but then he put his bike up and went to go running for 20 minutes... as I was leaving the parking lot I hear not 1 car but 2 cars schreeching their tires, and infront of those cars I see the guy whos going to go running for 20 minutes!!! :)

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Still Helping...

Today I was still helping with the Vannie E. Cook ride for Saturday... my father and I went to pick up boxes of chips and cases of water to pass out at the ride.
Below is a picture of a sewer lid, something different so I took the shot:

This is a picture of my dad's truck stacked with donations:
...and last this is a pic of a guy standing on a ladder, tell me if this looks smart or not?

Trip to Mexico...

I went off to Mexico yesterday and walked around with some family. I always enjoy having lunch in Mexico and that was the first thing that I wanted to do! Aftwards my family and I took off to Letty's house to help put the bags together for the Vannie E. Cook Ride.

for some reason I think that it's funny to take pictures of people taking pictures :)

Besides that lens is HUGE and he never saw me!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Bobke II (review)

Ok since I obviously have had some spare time lately I finished this book a lot faster than I did "Lance Armstrong's War." There are probably other several obvious reasons that I finished this book faster but if the truth be told... I didn't really like the book. I think that there was hardly any effort to put this book together and actually is put together pretty poorly. It is actually built like someone's "blog" and then just published into a book. There really was five different "blog entries" on one page. The next book that I am going to start is the famous "Inside the Postal Bus."

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Texas Roads...

I see pictures all the time of other cyclists all over the country and what I feel that they lack the most, are wide open roads. Texas has the best roads for riding even if a few of them are super bumpy atleast we have a whole lane for ourselves. We also have a lot of back roads, and country roads. We get to ride almost all year round and rarely have an excuse NOT to ride! :)

V for Vendetta

I checked out this movie in the morning with my brother. I really liked this movie, it was a thinking movie that had a lot going on. I originally wanted to watch it because it has that girl from Star Wars... but after watching the movie I feel that it was worth the 4 dollars that I paid. Yeah if you go during the day it only costs 4 bucks! I think that Piojo would really like this movie because it questions a lot of what "society" believes in. Overall though, it was definitely a thinking movie...

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sunday Team Ryde...

Today's ride went pretty well... The show up for the strong group was actually pretty small, but the show for the beginners was pretty big! I got dropped on the way out, then we re grouped and I got dropped again on the way back! haha :) But that's ok because I did my fair share of pulling and I know that I worked :)

Below is a picture of Michael Padgett. He is an x-MTB State Champion, he is demonstrating what it takes to get there! Jean short over your spandex!!! :)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Duck Hunt

Since I usually ran after I get out of work I don't get to see the ducks out that much. And if they are out, the families and children are playing with them or I am just there to try and get a quick run in. Well today I had some time on my hands and I kind of had the whole park to myself! I took some pics of the ducks and edited the photos here and there. If I have never said this before, I love to run at this park because of all the nature and scenery that is there.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Today's Ride...

I am on what I like to call a "mini vacation" I have this week and next week off, so in order to keep myself busy I am "planning" on riding and running a lot. Atleast that's the plan ;)

Monday, March 20, 2006

Running Late...

The good thing about running is that you can run late and no one will try to run you over at the track. I notice that I get more "rude" honks when I ride in the afternoons than when I ride in the mornings... The mornings seem to be more calm and there are people out on the roads that have a goal for the day " like getting to work." In the afternoon you get people out lally gagging and seem to be maybe more rude? Maybe this is just my perception.

This is a shot from the park that I run at...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Killer Bees... & Cycling :)

I went for the first time to a Killer Bees Hockey game in support of the Diabetes Foundation. I truly had a lot of fun at the game and I would definitely go watch another game. There are a lot of contest, games, dancing, and all sorts of crazy people go to the hockey game! It's a lot of fun! The problem is that I ate some nachos, drank a sprite, and finished it off with a big bag of cotton candy haha...
So this morning I woke up to ride with the team, of course I was dropped again but as "always" I still had fun ;) I am just glad that I wasn't the first guy to get dropped and Pizza Joe kept me company on the way back :)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Pinch Me Day...

Don't forget to wear green today or suffer the consequences!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Michelin Logo...

Who does this guy remind you of? :)

New Banner

I have designed a new banner for myself and Nick Martin. Check them out and let me know what you think... except for you Ed I already know what you think! ;)

and my banner obviously can be seen at the top ;)

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Weekend Overview on Sunday

This weekend has been very busy. On Saturday I went to a friends birthday party and it was the funniest thing when the portable bouncing castle began to collapse on all the kids and the laughing stopped and turned into little kids running and screaming! "maybe a you have to be there thing" but funny none the less. Right afterwards I went to a friends softball game, in the last inning she played first base and all the outs were on first "good job!" :)
Saturday I was too tired to ride with Jeff, but knew that it was the day of the Vannie E. Cook commercial. So I rode around one of my routes and went to go help with the commercial. I think that it will turn out pretty well and when I get a hold of it I will post it on the site. I never truly knew how I felt about my bike though until the "Director" asked who's bike that was outside. I responded with a "oh sorry, I'll move it." He then replied no that's ok, I need a stunt bike.

Afterwards though, he decided that my bike was too dirty for the commercial! :) and my bike needed a stand in.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Jazy Garcia

Here are some pics of a friend of mine... his name is Jazy Garcia, he raced in the Olymipcs for Guam. Here are a few pics of him:

Can anyone guess where the first picture was taken and then who is he standing next to in the last picture? ;)

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


ok... I guess sometimes we should just suck up the truth and listen to the critics out there. I love to watch movies like these but this was no "Fifth Element." This movie truly had too much action and NO action all at the sametime, yeah I know how could that be possible... but trust me it was! :)

Also the whole plot was hard to understand from the very beginning... I didn't know if she was a vampire or not and why they or she could do all of these gravity defying stunts? Anyway... not a good movie listen to the critics and only if you are SUPER bored then watch it when it comes out on DVD.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Pop-Up Ads

Once again I have yet another stupid pop-up virus. These things are unbelievably annoying and I am attempting to go around every single possible route without having to reformat my whole computer again! :(
I don't understand why these things were invented and who or why they were even invented, It's not like we are actually going to go to their stupid sites in the first place... there may have been a chance but since they are annoying us and being overly aggressive with their marketing why would we? What I almost hate more than the people that invented virus pop ups are the people that actually pay to advertise with them!
But over all I had a great weekend! haha and am still learning my mp3 player :)