Thursday, March 16, 2006

Pinch Me Day...

Don't forget to wear green today or suffer the consequences!


Anonymous said...

I protest St. Patty's day because I hate the Irish!!! Screw U2!!!! I don't see Irish people celebrating Cinco de Mayo (bastards). If anyone would like to join me in my protest I will be drinking heavily at the local bar.

Hey Steve in you banner I see you are listing to music, is that from your new MP3??? Nice touch putting it in there

Anonymous said...

what's the consequence of not wearing green again?

A noogie or something? I forget.

What if I wear yellow and blue and ride real fast, you know, like the old zip lock bag commercial- "Yellow and Blue make....."

IronGambit said...

Yeah A-Ron that is my new MP3 player... although I already changed the headphones out since the stock one's where "ok."
Jeff-- The blue and yellow thing "might" work, but you already have a hint of green in your hair anyway ;)

Anonymous said...

Aron drinking heavily, hehe thats an oxymoron!! I got nothing against St. Patricks day, a race that drinks the way they do is ok in my books!!

Anonymous said...

Damn you all, No one wants to join in my protest!!! Fine then, Now since i don't have the support for peaceful protest I have to start kicking the shit out of Irish people. Now where do I find an Irishman in the Valley???? Jeff???? Just kiding Jeff (You probably aren't even Irish are you??)

IronGambit said...

We don't know what Jeff is :)

Anonymous said...

Hansen is not a very Irish name, but I'll give you a hint where mi gente come from...

one of my all eight of my great grandparents' countrymen won the Sprinter's jersey in the Tour day France.

Viva los Noruegos!!

IronGambit said...

I know the answer :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the typo, imagine my last post without the word "my" in it. :)