Since I usually ran after I get out of work I don't get to see the ducks out that much. And if they are out, the families and children are playing with them or I am just there to try and get a quick run in. Well today I had some time on my hands and I kind of had the whole park to myself! I took some pics of the ducks and edited the photos here and there. If I have never said this before, I love to run at this park because of all the nature and scenery that is there.

mmmmmmmmmm duck!! *drooling*
well you know where to find'em ;)
Your park sucks donkey balls, my park rules
Where is your park at?
Weslaco off of 18th street, our ducks don't have those crappy spots they are all white. HAHAHA just kidding dude I don't have a park, just thought I would start a fight
Het Steve I saw your question on the Team McAllen website asking about Mission trails and just to let you know they are awesome, They have been all cleared and I would have to say they are definitely comp for La Hoja (thats what I call it) come try them out, you will need a guide since there are so many new things since last time you went out there.
I tried them, they are ok, I wouldn't say comp against La Joya, La Joya is definetly much more like a race course than Mission, mission doesnt flow as well as la joya... Aron is just a dumbass!!
F U dude you don't even no the way the course goes to say if it flows or not, La Hoja only has like 5 miles of trail, how is that race like?? La Hoja does kick ass but I think it is more dumbass to make a statement when youv'e only tried the trails and you didn't even go with someone who knows where they all are, about 8 to 9 miles worth, Dick.
Sorry Piojo I can't stay mad at you even when you are an all out dick. Your right La Hoja is better but Mission is pretty damn good and i know for a fact that if you didn't go out there with one of the regulars you probably missed half of all the trails
hehe, La Joya has 9.1 miles of flow... talk about ignorance.... PENDEJO BABOSO!! Oh hey I just saw your dad, I was having my usual beers for lunch and him and stanly were there.... MISSION SUCKS!!
well... it looks like you got your fight A-Ron ;)
La Hoja Sucks!!! Poijo's mom rules!!!
I almost forgot tell your mom that I can't come over after work after all....
Nevermind Aron, she just called me and said she was coming over to my place today!! ;P
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