Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Jazy Garcia

Here are some pics of a friend of mine... his name is Jazy Garcia, he raced in the Olymipcs for Guam. Here are a few pics of him:

Can anyone guess where the first picture was taken and then who is he standing next to in the last picture? ;)


Kin said...

G'day mate! The first photo is at Circular Quay near the Opera House in Sydney, Australia.

IronGambit said...

hahah very good Kin! now what about the last one... who is that guy??? :)

IronGambit said...

hell... without all that swimming, it sounds like a lot of fun! :)
How many laps is a 1.5k swim anyway? :) oh yeah and you didn't guess who that guy was in the last pic!

Anonymous said...

man sal, coming off this injury i'm pretty sure i won't be ready for even an olympic in march; the 1/2 iron distance in october sounds pretty promising though. i'm sure steph would be a very good jock strap though. ;)

by the way steve, her face soooooo looks like liv tyler in that picture!! i think it may be her and you just don't know. :P

Anonymous said...

steve, maybe you could use my wetsuit for some tri, it really helps you to float... i'm certain you could make the swim of a sprint tri wearing it.

Anonymous said...

the guy in the picture looks like my uncle's dad. is his last name fitzgerald by any chance?

Kin said...

This looks like the Dunc Grey Velodrome at Bankstown in Sydney. The gentleman on the right is NOT Stuart O'Grady, Robbie McEwen, Bradley McGee, Swimmer Ian Thorpe, Croc Hunter Steve Irwin, or Prime Minster John Howard.

IronGambit said...

haha your getting closer Kin! :)
and Jeff his last name is "Garcia" hahah

Kin said...

Cool story from Cycling News:
Guam's sole competitor in the race ( Men's 2000 Sydney Olympic road race)was Jazy Fernandez Garcia, who was dropped early and lapped after about 6 laps. However, the crowd lining the streets up Bronte Road gave him huge support as he made his way up the hill each time. In fact, on the descent into Bronte a group had made a large Jazy Fernandez Garcia sign from an old sheet on the side of the road. The people, who lived on the course, were not cycling fans but had read the start list and picked a cool sounding name of a little known country as their man to support for the day. They didn't know him from the Ullrichs, Bartolis and Armstrongs of the race but were cheering him on from the start.

When he was dropped they continued cheering and on lap 5 or 6 he was due to be lapped. On the previous lap he waved as they cheered him through but as the convoy appeared Jazy looked like he was to be lapped and put out the race. He rolled along just in front of the bunch down to the cheer squad and stopped to thank his supporters and have his picture taken with the sign. He didn't have a great race but will always remember the Australians who supported him at Sydney 2000. He even got a chant of "Garcia, Garcia, Garcia" and "Jazy, Jazy, Jazy, Oi, Oi, Oi"

Kin said...

How about two-time Tour Philipina champion Jesus Garcia Jr. (1973 and 1977) and father of Jazy Garcia?

IronGambit said...

yeah... and his uncle lives here in McAllen, TX I'm surprised that you found that story on him! haha :)
He e-mailed me a picture of his Moutain Bike... talk about ENVY! :)

Kin said...

I like to learn something new everyday. Today it was about two cyclists and a velodrome in Sydney, all on the other side of the big blue marble. Thanks!

IronGambit said...

Yeah he owns a bike shop... he's the one that hooked me up with my Ksyriums on my Cinelli ;)
Oh yeah and no one guess who the last guy in the picture was!!

Anonymous said...

i would just like to say here officially that, "IF ED DOES NOT POST HERE ANYMORE, NEITHER WILL I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

(shoot, it just occured to me that this might actually be alot of people's dream come true....)


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA . . no Jeff . .No Jeff . . YOU MUST POST!@!

Anonymous said...

how about a hint for my 2nd guess, steve? if that guy isn't my uncle's dad then i have no idea....

IronGambit said...

yeah your right... It's not your uncle's dad :0

Anonymous said...

hey, no offense to the guy or anything, but I'm a little tired of looking at Jazy every time I come here.

And since I already guessed who the mystery man was.....

can't you change your blog?