Tuesday, March 28, 2006

V for Vendetta

I checked out this movie in the morning with my brother. I really liked this movie, it was a thinking movie that had a lot going on. I originally wanted to watch it because it has that girl from Star Wars... but after watching the movie I feel that it was worth the 4 dollars that I paid. Yeah if you go during the day it only costs 4 bucks! I think that Piojo would really like this movie because it questions a lot of what "society" believes in. Overall though, it was definitely a thinking movie...


Anonymous said...

Yeah but do you get to see Natalie Portmans titties?? THATS THE IMPORTANT QUESTION.....

Anonymous said...

Man are you kidding who wants to see tohse nubbies, I say lets get a movie where we can see Jessica Simpsons titties. Now thats a movie, we can call it "T for Titties"

IronGambit said...

"F" for "Funny" actually what makes the movie so controversial is that it represents "terrorism" and that's why I think that Ed would like it! :)

Anonymous said...

haha . .Aron for once I agree, but still i wanna see that biotch naked for some reason!! We riding today?

Anonymous said...

Hell yes we are riding today right after work, Steve?? want to join???