I went off to Mexico yesterday and walked around with some family. I always enjoy having lunch in Mexico and that was the first thing that I wanted to do! Aftwards my family and I took off to Letty's house to help put the bags together for the Vannie E. Cook Ride.

Besides that lens is HUGE and he never saw me!
hi ssssssssssssssssssssssssssteve. sorry, i just gave bllllllllllood and it's hard to lift my finggggggggggggggers!
yeah you spelled "Jeff" wrong too
jeff posted, NO ONE POST HERE!!
it's opposite day!! ;)
and also, I think Steve needs to post some pictures of Shakira, preferably recent ones. :)
if it's opposite day... does this mean that you are the emperor "with" clothes?
in that case, definately DON'T post pics of Shakira!!
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