Sunday, October 07, 2007

Albuquerque, New Mexico - Recap

This town is known for two things:
The first is of Bugs Bunny, he always should have taken that right at albuquerque!
And the second of course is the Largest Air Balloon Show in the World.

I was originally scheduled to work the Chicago Marathon, but we are starting a new tour called "Rock with Crocs."
This also will be a nation wide tour.  I was there to help set up the event, and made sure that things went smoothly.
It looks like the new crew is going to make the cut!

Blogged with Flock


jahowie said...

Awesome pics. I've never seen balloons lit up like that!! Very cool.

IronGambit said...

Yeah... me either! haha

teacherwoman said...

Awesome photos.. I don't think I could ever get up on a hot air balloon! I think I would rather jump from a plane.

teacherwoman said...

You're right. When will you get the change again?! I think if I would have been there in front of all those I would have talked myself into it! Imagine what you could see from above!

teacherwoman said...

Mile high, huh? I am sure it was gorgeous....

Bike Drool said...

Hope you didn't see this:

IronGambit said...

Did you hear about the Chicago Marathon also? The OTHER Event that I was suppose to be at?

Allez said...

I saw a hot air balloon land right in my neighborhood when I was younger. I would ride in one.

Bike Drool said...

Dude that's crazy! Are you secretly the Grim Reaper? What's up with that

All sarcasm and tragedies aside... the balloon pictures are really nice.