Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Where is IronGambit?

I've been INSANELY busy since my time off, but it looks like it's going to pay.  As soon as I make it to San Jose I will not be doing that event.  I will have a break until the Detroit Marathon.
After I left New Mexico my plane ended up being delayed,  so I had to fly to Omaha instead of Chicago to regroup with my team.

These are the pics from the last two days.

There is some snow around Wyoming and my trip down to Nevada.  You can see it on the mountains on the second to last picture!
the goal is to be in San Jose, California tomorrow.  Looks good so far ;)
I've been doing a lot of "hotel" running.  Since the bike is so hard to have around on the tour.  Check up on Sagers blog also, he should be having some pretty cool news coming up !
Also for those of you that have my schedule it looks like I might be ending the year with Vegas and Hawaii instead of Vegas then Dallas!  Sorry Allez it's Hawaii!!!!!
We will see though.
If you want a copy of my schedule for the rest of the year, just send me a shout out and I will be happy to e-mail it to you!

Blogged with Flock


jahowie said...

Hmmmmm....Dallas or Hawaii.....yeah, I'd like Hawaii too. Glad to read that you are finding some time to run.

IronGambit said...

Since these companies are always giving me free shoes, I figured that I might as well use them huh!?

Allez said...

If it was White Rock marathon you were going to attend, you're missing out on an awesome event! But I would pick Hawaii over Dallas any day.

You get free shoes? In exchange for your rubber shoes? They're getting jipped!

teacherwoman said...

Hawaii?!?! Me so jealous!