While doing some exploring here in Cali I found this small but nice trail. While i was there I got this shot of a Bluejay,

This picture is ONLY funny cause he actually tried to poop on me :(

Apparently it is still Spring Break in california and the cheapest rental they had was this car. The car was new with only about 3,000 miles on it. The prob was toting peeps around and it had NO power windows, and NO power locks. It is funny that it didn't have power locks and I had to literally reach over to every door to unlock it just to let people in.
Just to show how spoiled we are in todays society, every time we went somewhere people kept leaving the doors unlocked!
Blogged with the Flock Browser
Wow, we really are spoiled. Nice job on the race!! I hope to do that well this weekend.
Thanks and we really are! :)
nice job on the race big guy...
i think the bird was looking to poop on the rental car. isn't that what birds do???
find a white car, poop purple
find a dark car, poop white...
Sometimes this blog makes too much sense.
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