I guess it just depends what side of the tracks that you are standing on when this topic comes up. So I met a guy this weekend that told me that he likes to jump on/over/under things, almost Jackie Chan style. He "claims" that it's a sport now. With MY personality I wanted to see what his jumping/climbing/ and all of his sillyness combined was all about.
So he gave me a demonstration.

As I watched him to back flips and other tricks that easily reminded me of Jackie Chan, he can now have my vote that his passion is a sport. ;)
Did you give him those baby blue Crocs to match his shirt? :^)
Search 'parkour' on YouTube...
naw, he did that on his own! ;)
This is definately a sport. It will be one of the new sports at the 2012 Olympics in London. I think sitting under jumpers is still being considered and Olympic sport but not until 2016 or even 2020, so keep practicing and do not give up the dream!
Are there events for this where they compete against each other?
parkour/free running! That's what he was doing!
Kin SOMEONE has to be the dummy!!!
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