Friday, July 25, 2008

I Made it Photos!

I better start some blogging while I actually have some WiFi at this crazy hotel that doesn't even have aircon!  :)  It was worth the trade off since the Mountain air is really cool anyway and I have been internet deprived!
I am still in France right now and will not be back in the US until Tuesday LATE:
But here are some pics from when I first arrived.
Germany-France 004.JPG
We flew into Frankfurt, Germany first, to begin our adventures.
Germany-France 005.JPG
My first stamp!
Germany-France 006.JPG
Germany-France 007.JPG
I had to check to make sure that it was real!  ;)
Just some random signs that I stumbled upon...
Germany-France 010.JPG
Germany-France 011.JPG
It's been a loooong time since I have seen one of these.
Germany-France 013.JPG
Germany-France 015.JPG
I have updated a ton of photos in my Flikr account and can click any of the photos above to view them.  I will update my blog when I get a chance of course until I make it to the US again!


World Wide Nate said...

i was wondering what happened to you. I missed you LOL anyways i've been bloggin too nothin you havne't already seen. how do you get some many pics up? i can only get 5 pics up. we need more posts!!!!!

teacherwoman said...