But while checking out of a town in France that I don't even remember the name, I see this small pamphlet with some really really REALLY crazy architecture on it. So I suggested that we went. So we did.
The story is basically a French Mail Man that tripped on a stone. He was inspired by the stone ,and while on his daily mail route he would collect more stones and bring them to his house. his art was considered to be very naive. I can vouch for this and say yes! In the end he created this huge magical castle that he created in his mind with small drawings that he would dream about. You can actually go inside the castle, on top of the castle, and he has some small caves that are also accessible. For me personally this was truly a magical and great find for my European trip!

It took him 33 years to finish his own personal masterpiece. He died one year after completion...

Wow that is crazy. great pics!
so what's the great story about how you got home?
Wow, that's really cool.
TW: Thanks!
Adam: Oh, you will get to hear ALL about it!
jahowie: Crazy huh?
Great photos!! What a trip!!!
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