I obviously took this photo on the border or Wisconsin and Illinois. This was be my last photo posted from the States.
I will be popping off pictures left and right and I probably will need a backup camera or at least battery!
Right now I have no plans on updating, I will be on vacation for two weeks, so I want to enjoy my "vacation" hard earned with blood, sweat, and yes sometimes tears and loss of hair. But the time is finally nearing in as I have a very long flight over seas and will probably take some pills to help my restless body sleep on the plane!
Drop a line, check up, see where I am, and what I am doing!
Nearing the end of the Tour I should be hanging out with my good old friend MR. Shimano!
I will at least take pics of the blur that I will have waited hours to watch, and flown across the ocean to view!
Have a great vacation!!!
Great pic! Enjoy Europe...
.... still jealous...
Well, I took the photo. You haven't quite mastered the use of the force yet. Nor the self-timer feature. Self timer would never produce a picture that good. Nevermind.
bring me back a french chick that looks like hincapie's wife! PLEASE!
jahowie: Thänks I will!
TW: Thänks!
äDämn: Häve fun in NYC w.ö me!
€ddie: Dude, möre lik€ Ivän ßässos sister!
yea man, couchsurfing is the ish!!!! I found a guy in Athens I'm going to stay with.
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