Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Trying to Catch Up

I have pictures STILL that I need to upload.
I did a really nice 32 miles on my ride with the famous (piojo) yesterday.  That was great to shake out the legs a bit, and finally get some riding in!  I was missing my right shifter for awhile, but that came in and I took it out to the bike shop right away and of course basically just rode it straight out the door!

You can check out   blog
If you kind of want to have an idea of where I am at, or to see some pictures.  I have mainly just been playing a TON of catch up while at home and hoping that I am not missing anything!  I will be at Pleasant Prairie this weekend then off to Germany, & France!  I had a conversation with Mr. Shimano yesterday and he said that he will be in the end days of the Tour De France, so with my fingers extremely crossed I hopefully will get the opportunity to see some of the behind the scenes and VIP entrances and exits for the athletes!  Nothing is guaranteed of course :)  But we can still pretend until it does happen huh? 


teacherwoman said...

Enjoy your trip! I am STILL jealous! ;)

Adam said...

Oh, yeah. Direct people to my blog so you can have it easy, huh? I see how it is... haha