Monday, October 27, 2008

My Beloved Marine Corps Marathon

First, Congrats to Nate for running the Full Marathon.
I know that I just started running the past 11 months, and never thought that I would want to run another FULL marathon since I ran Honolulu and San Diego.  There hasn't been a full marathon that has given me the itch or urge to participate in, but after this weekend I think maybe next year (maybe with training this time) that I might consider running the Marine Corps Marathon.

Embedded Video

For the majority of my child hood I grew up living the life of a military brat.  I basically spent 17 years involuntarily.  I know that my parents, my brother and sister have no regrets and that living that life style made us grow together without choice.  I think that if I did run this marathon, I would run it for my father and my family and not for myself, since I have already had that accomplishment.

I am here now in Baltimore, MD going to NYC on Wednesday for one of the most attractive international races in the world.


Watch the video at a HUGE HUGE DISCRETION!!!!!  There is EXTREMELY FOUL LANGUAGE  NOT suitable for some and not suitable for work!


331 Miles said...

I could understand wanting to run the Marine Corps Marathon. I've heard good things about it. Oh yeah -- I love the donut scene from Full Metal Jacket.

IronGambit said...

dude, the entire movie is quotable!

teacherwoman said...

I have even wanted to run the Marine Corps Marathon and I really don't have any ties...

In regards to your comment about losing weight with the lack of soda... When I did quit drinking soda, I didn't see too much of a difference in numbers, but I know I wasn't working out as much or as efficiently as I am now. However, I did feel better, and I didn't have that nasty feeling in my stomach/gut from soda.