My days off are not like "everyone" else's. They get their weekends off while I am working, and while they are working that's when I get my free time.

I also fed the sea gulls...

and flew a kite, after I was done with the kite... I gave it to a family with children ;)

Above: That's a nearby hotel w. a small waterfall.

that pipe is there to rebuild the beaches of Virginia... a lot of beaches are looking towards other sources to preserve and to rebuild the beaches in order to keep the tourists coming back. Places like Florida and New Zealand are actually putting recycled glass back on their beaches.

This is a picture of swordfish designed to look like palm trees. It's right next to my hotel also. My friend and I had dinner their last night, so I figured that I "finally" need to get a picture of it!
My week starts all over again and I will be working the rock and roll half marathon.
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