Here are a lot of pics I took while walking around, waiting to set up shop for the expo.
Below: A crazy small bed on the window seal... glad I didn't NEED it! :)

The above pic was in Indy... below I am arriving in Chicago yesterday...

Robby, a co-worker... "um... welcome back"

This is behind the Hilton at Chicago

Random Pic

Sometimes we play Frisbee while waiting in line to unload our trucks and set up the store.

This is the University for people that are undecided... haha to me this is like the "left-right" University. Correct me if you don't feel this way also!

I will title this pic "Red" How original I know! Anyway I like this pic because I got the stoplights in the background also.

This pic is for ed... he thinks there are not enough naked chicks on my blog!

On the backrest behind these gentlemen are pictures carved of other gentlemen playing classical instruments.

This is a picture of the dance floor during the day...

This is a picture of the dance floor at night!

It seems that I have to break this event into several posts, I will most likely just post the rest of the pictures tonight. HOPEFULLY I'll take more pics to post!
I am about to head out to the art museum, because it's free on Fridays from 4-9pm. No photography allowed! sorry guys!
I'll get one of the entrance though... it has two huge statues of, well you'll see~!
Blogged with Flock
fun stuff.
Now that you have a canon.. your going to experience the real world of photography.. none of that Sony shiznit.....
so do you like the quality of the pics?
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