I'm hooked back up with my crew right now... It seems like everyone did a lot of things that we usually would take for granted. Mostly leisure stuff... like golfing, and cycling. Two of the guys got flats on their bikes and I broke my shifter for my back dérailleurs, so at least we had stories to tell right off the bat. Looks like I need to call my friends up at Shimano to see what they can help me with!

Above: The Grass is Greener
Below: This sign made me laugh, cause it looks like someone ran it over!

Most of the pictures I added are more for "artistic" value. I don't consider myself to be a photographer "quote unquote" but I do respect the art!
Blogged with Flock
I have some "artsy" pictures of Allez. At least that's what I told her they would be.....they're very tasteful......even the one with the midget LOL!!!
midgets are artsy
Well done.
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