First, my hotel was set-up next to a train yard... but that's only on that part of the neighborhood.

Second would be this...

Did you know that Starbucks was founded in Seattle? This is a pic of their original shop at Pike's Pier.
I walked down there on my time off to see what the fuss was all about.

have to support the locals! Plus Mango's are sooo good!

This next picture makes me laugh... if you read the bumper sticker it says "The Sound Never Sleeps."

Also on my day off I like to eat banana splits and do laundry... ok, I don't enjoy doing laundry... but look at that banana split!

Right now I am in Washington D.C.
I was suppose to be in Virgina Beach right now, but the flight was over sold. It was between me and my buddy. He was already tired and wanted to be there already. I didn't mind because they shack you up, with a food voucher & a free travel voucher to anywhere in the U.S.
NOT like I need to travel anymore!
Blogged with Flock
Great pics...
Enjoy DC... I love it there!
Man, are you ever going home? :-) Your blog is like a travel guide. Thanks for more great pics.
haha, I was only laid over in D.C.
I am in Virgina Beach right now.
I say you give me the voucher :)
awesome pics
EVERYONE knows Starbucks was started in Seattle..
Seattle = Coffee Capital of the World!
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