Friday, August 03, 2007

New York Pics Update v.2.0

Here is part 2 of 3 almost done!
Above: The Denver airport, of course I have seen this "several" times but this time I actually took the pic!
Below: A peak at Crocs Headquarters... If you look closely, there is a shoe in the flames haha

Above: YES there is cactus in Denver!

Below: I know the Free Sager Era is over, but here is my contribution!

Above: Devin in Central Park, the best of both worlds...

Above: The New York Nautica Triathlons winners, both male and female icing their feet after the race!

Below: Now that's one organized massage tent!

Below: Now THAT's a PROUD road rash owner!!!

Above: Sometimes you have to go to extremes to keep your feet warm

Below: You know when you are in New York Central Park when the bench is chained to the lamp post!
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jahowie said...

That's a waste of a perfectly fine ass. Must have been a nasty fall. BTW....That bee looks like it's getting fresh with you. Thanks again for posting the pics.

IronGambit said...

actually that bee was getting "fresh" with one of my employees, it was a guy!

Lance Notstrong said...

That's some scary road rash!!!

IronGambit said...


Bike Drool said...

Yeah, because I want to steal that bench! LOL.

IronGambit said...

see I knew that there was a reason to lock it up, I expected that ed would want to steal it... but not from you Daniel b!!!

Unknown said...

bitchin' blog entry, doode,

waste of ass.... HELL NO!!!

there's nothing sexier, NOTHING, than a woman who's willing to take a fall on the concrete, tear herself up, and then be willing to go back out there again!


i only saw a bad wreck and pussed out after that, even though the guy was back out there as soon as his collarbone was healed, i think he broke it multiple timeses.

