Saturday, August 11, 2007

Chicago Art Museum

While walking around Chicago I ran into this custom bike frame...

Below:  This is the front of the art museum... with the statues that I talked about earlier.

This is a statue in the museum.  I title this one DragonBallZ

Below:  This is a picture of the original air guitar winner.
Party like a Rock Star...
Guitar Hero III *coming soon*

Below:  The pic that I wasn't suppose to take!  OOPS

Be careful what you tell me... I might get medieval on you!

Below: Are you serious!

Below:  Ever feel like this?

Below:This was the main exhibitor

Below:  Yes I am a chess nerd... but click on the picture, then enlarge it to read the whole story... I found it to be pretty interesting.

Below:  You have to like this one!

Below:  What Chicago is known for.

Below:  The busy city

Below:  And last but definitely not least... are a picture of two of my favorite things, Chess and Bicycles!  Money shot!

Blogged with Flock


Allez said...

I LOOOOOOVE the art museum there! The natural history & science museum rocks too!

IronGambit said...

I wish I only had time... the good part is that I am coming back two more times this year.

Unknown said...

me no likes too many words now,
me likes pictures you take w/ small # 'o palabras,

awesome blog entries,
cool camera,
much fun,
thanks for taking me to chicago,

rock on!

what, nobody else goin' to comment again???

pssshh!! ;(


teacherwoman said...

I didn't get the change to go to the art museum... Good thing you did .. for me!

IronGambit said...

thanks guys for the compliment

jahowie said...

You are a criminal with that camera!! :-) Nice pics. Really makes me miss Chicago.