After one of the shortest flights I have probably had in my life, I finally make it to Virgina Beach.
Here are a few pics from my hotel room.
It's really nice here... I am on the top floor of the hotel with a view of the ocean. I have my balcony open right now, and the smell of the ocean is coming in while I am listening to the live band play :)

This will be one of my longest stays since the tour started. I will be here for a couple of weeks, so expect some beach pics!
Blogged with Flock
A couple of weeks?! Find a cyclist your size, and gank his bike! LOL
since piojo hasn't posted in a while i'll take up the slack...
make sure to get some BIKINI PICS!!!
all those 11+hr training rides must have whipped the horomones out of that man... ;)
BikeDrool: Yes, I see bikes everywhere! I made a friend today that own;s a bike shop, maybe I can rent one cheap for the couple of weeks that we are here!
Jeff: Talking the smack!
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